Activating Your License

This guide shows you how to create a customer account to get full access to our products and services.

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Application Architecture

Get an overview of the PhotoPrism® Pro architecture and learn about the interaction with external services.

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Backup Guide

Easily back up and restore your PhotoPrism® Pro media library, sidecar files, index, and configuration.

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Command-Line Interface

Learn how to open a terminal session and use the command-line interface to perform administrative tasks.

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Config Options

Get an overview of the global config variables and command-line flags available in PhotoPrism® Pro.

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File Format Support

Get an overview of the supported image, video and sidecar file types and their extensions.

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Firewall Settings

Configuring Your Firewall to Work With PhotoPrism® Pro

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Getting Updates

This guide shows you how to get and install updated versions of PhotoPrism® Pro.

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LDAP and Active Directory

Authenticating Users Against a Directory Server

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Managing User Accounts

Get an overview of the user account roles and management capabilities available in PhotoPrism® Pro.

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Metadata Compatibility

Get an overview of the supported Exif, XMP, IPTC, and DCMI tags and their internal field names in PhotoPrism® Pro.

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Portainer Setup Guide

Portainer lets you manage Docker containers through a web interface. On many NAS devices it either comes pre-installed or you can install it from the vendor's app store.

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Product FAQ

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about product features.

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Quickstart Guide

In this guide, we show you how to set up PhotoPrism® Pro in just a few steps and customize it to your needs.

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Release Notes

Find out about the latest features and enhancements in our team editions for professional users.

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Remote Setup

Get an overview of the process and requirements in case you would like us to perform a remote installation for you.

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Search Filter Reference

Get an overview of the supported search filters and learn how to use them.

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Security Options

Get an overview of the additional security features and config options available to our business customers.

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Session Monitoring

PhotoPrism® Pro's built-in session monitoring helps you find, examine, and, if necessary, remove user sessions.

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Single Sign-On via OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect (OIDC) allows users to log in and optionally register through an external identity provider.

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System Requirements

PhotoPrism® Pro Hard- and Software Compatibility

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UI Customization

In this guide, we show you how to customize the look of PhotoPrism® Pro to match your branding or corporate identity.

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Upgrade Guide

Learn how to upgrade to PhotoPrism® Pro if you already have PhotoPrism installed.

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Using a Content Delivery Network

Configuring a CDN can effectively reduce server load and improve user experience.

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Using Audit Logs

Audit logs help your security, auditing, and compliance entities monitor PhotoPrism® Pro for potential vulnerabilities, misuse, and other critical incidents.

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In this guide, we show you how to enable transport encryption, add server certificates, and create new certificates.

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Volume Mounts

Get an overview of the folders used by PhotoPrism® Pro and learn how to mount network storage.

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