Recorded information includes the time of the incident, the severity, the responsible IP and user or session, and the action, such as a failed authorization check. For security reasons, audit logs are not visible on the regular web user interface and can only be viewed in the application service logs or searched in a terminal using the CLI commands documented below.

Severity Levels

Severity Log Level Description
alert panic security alert, e.g. an attack has been detected
critical fatal critical security incidents and application errors
error error failed authorization checks, application errors
warning warning file deletions, failed logins, and invalid api requests
info info expected and uncritical actions e.g. file uploads
debug debug informational messages, e.g. successful logouts

Config Options

The general verbosity level of log messages can be set with PHOTOPRISM_LOG_LEVEL. In addition, incidents with a level equal to or higher than PHOTOPRISM_AUDIT_LEVEL are recorded in the database in a structured way so that they can be searched.

Environment Variable CLI Flag Default Description
PHOTOPRISM_LOG_LEVEL --log-level info log message verbosity LEVEL (trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal, panic)
PHOTOPRISM_AUDIT_LEVEL --audit-level warning audit log recording LEVEL (debug, info, warning, error, fatal, panic)

Audit Commands

Use the following terminal commands to search the database for login attempts, user actions and incidents, or application errors:

Command Description
photoprism audit logins [search] Displays login attempts
photoprism audit logs [search] Displays audit logs
photoprism audit errors [search] Displays error logs

You can combine them with these flags to change the output format and the maximum number of search results:

Command Flag Description
--md, -m format as machine-readable Markdown
--csv, -c export as semicolon separated values
--tsv, -t export as tab separated values
-n LIMIT LIMIT number of results (default: 100)

Run photoprism audit clear to clear all recorded incidents and reset the database to a clean state.

PhotoPrism® Documentation

For detailed information on specific product features, services, and related resources, see our Knowledge Base, or read the User Guide for help using the web user interface: